Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Example Confidentiality As Finance Manager

Recurrences. historical

"On 1 January 49 BC, the consuls had begun to seek the dismissal with all the forces of Caesar from his governorship. For almost nine years he had had; the term had expired. Now Caesar was going to get the consulate of 48 and a return to Roman politics. But this wanted to prevent his opponents. Even before he could stand, he should lay down the command and go to Rome as a private citizen . There would be put on trial for various breaches of the constitution which he had been guilty during his consulate. And that was to take place under military protection, because he could not put pressure on the court, but also because the court could decide not entirely free from pressure.
In this way, it seems it is hoped, would annihilate the political existence of Caesar, and would be fully restored the senatorial regime. It did not matter if Caesar was actually an opponent of the established order or not: he had previously continually hampered its functioning. It was feared that he could impose several demands against the will of the Senate and then become so powerful that one might have expected ever new conflicts Senate defeats and now if he could become a console again.
for almost two years of Caesar's opponents declared they had tried to convince the central organ of the Roman government, the senate, to remove him. But they had always failed, because Caesar had taken his side some tribunes of the people, who with their right to veto decisions which could render useless against him. Sometimes even went to the attack and managed to snatch some decisions by the majority of the Senate in accordance with the will of Caesar. "
Taken from" Julius Caesar "by Christian Meier
The story alternates between periods of progress in stages of decay: Vico speaks of "historical courses and resorts." This does not, as commonly interpreted, that history will repeat itself. Rather, it means that man is always equal to itself, even in changing situations and historical behavior.