Sunday, January 30, 2011

Digital Playground Online Streaming

Angouleme ... no

Yes, I had to be there, and for the first time the influence and blocked me I missed the cold and comics Angou the heme
I wonder if you've followed everything from the internet ... I await news from Cinzia Zagato, the only expatriate Coniglia ... but then many Our writers were there, at least in the French ... Bastien Vives, Guillaume Blanc ... so I leave you with three images that make their dedications, interviews ... or motives for going to the festival ...

for now suffice it to say about the festival that this year's GRAND PRIX ARTICLE Shpigelman (remember the interview that we did in the autumn of 2009?) and the best album of Manuel Fiorito! An author that we follow a long, always too busy between whole books, but we are proud to have been awarded!
and tomorrow I'll tell you instead of our news and the February issue that already beats all black in my hands and that you will find on the newsstands in a week (more or less) ...
Good comics at all!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Many Panadols Would It Take To Kill You


a gimmick.
It was just a gimmick of his mind to lead it from point A to point B.
A suspension bridge in anything.
from point A to point B. And
That bleak picture, he thought.
His imagination had produced fantastic scenarios.
difficult to surrender to vision of rationality so skinny.
decided to go back to daydreaming.
Knowing the truth could not risk.
from point A to point B, but with creativity.
Projecting into the fog that was able to see and hear,
This was what had made the wonderful journey.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Long Will It Take For Ketaconazole



born today Chemistry Carnival, an event that will be hosted in turn on dozens of bloggers and that each month will make known this wonderful discipline to the general public about the web (and beyond).

I " carnival of science" are famous in Anglo-Saxon world for years and are tools used for the dissemination of scientific culture.

A couple of years, the initiative has created the science carnival already per altre importanti discipline come la Matematica e la Fisica un momento di aggregazione, conoscenza reciproca e condivisione fra coloro che nel nostro Paese (o in giro nel mondo) già si occupavano di comunicazione scientifica per mezzo di quello strumento già ben noto per la sua snellezza e pervasività rappresentato dai web blog.

A breve distanza dalla nascita del terzo ed ultimo carnevale scientifico, quello dedicato alla Biodiversità, grazie alla collaborazione fra Gravità-Zero e, nasce quindi oggi, domenica 23 gennaio 2011, il Carnevale della Chimica .

La scelta del mese non è casuale: siamo infatti nel primo mese di quello che l’ONU, con il supporto dell’UNESCO e della IUPAC, ha decretato come “ Anno Internazionale della Chimica ”, grazie alla partecipazione di 31 diversi autori di blog ed altri siti di divulgazione scientifica, per un contribuito totale di 67 articoli.


Prendendo spunto dall’esperienza positiva già raccolta con il fratello maggiore, il Carnevale della Fisica , anche per la neonata creatura gli organizzatori stanno per inaugurare un sito web ufficiale di riferimento, che risponde all’indirizzo (mettete l'indirizzo tra i preferiti perché a breve sarà attivo).

Si tratta di un sito partecipativo che sarà presto a disposizione di tutti i blogger e gli autori, ma anche dei semplici appassionati e curiosi e, perché no, anche dei giornalisti e dei commentatori che vorranno conoscere più da vicino la nostra iniziativa e comunicare con i suoi partecipanti.

In esso troveranno spazio la descrizione dell’iniziativa, tanto in versione “ufficiale” (comunicati stampa) quanto nella versione più operativa, a disposizione di noi blogger e dei nostri lettori, i link a tutte le edizioni già realizzate del Carnevale, descrizione e link ai blog partecipanti, un blog partecipativo per discutere e condividere argomenti, specie per la proposizione dei nuovi argomenti oggetti delle prossime edizioni del carnevale e molte altre iniziative che partiranno proprio dai suoi partecipanti.

Tutti i partecipanti al Carnevale della Chimica saranno singolarmente ricontattati non appena sarà possibile registrarsi sul sito, presumibilmente nei primi giorni di febbraio.


Molti di voi si sono già iscritti: per tutti coloro che non lo hanno ancora fatto, è aperta la pagina Facebook del Carnevale della Chimica (clicca sul link per accedere).

interventions and comments are of course open to all members and non members to the site of the initiative.


begin, therefore, with this first appointment, reading initiatives and interventions of the 31 participating bloggers on

Friday, January 21, 2011

Breakfast Cereals Low Glycemic

These days I spend my thoughts on books, first of all to those censored ( the case "Baptists" ), so let me beat him and talk about it here and on animals, then those paper and their future, always more difficult ...
regard to the complaints, to bonfires, counterfeiting, Finelli, student-online ascuoladifumetto of this annual course, sends us a beautiful image, influenced - he says - from his reading of Maus Spiegelman

A hot point out other bad signs of ignorance and racism, this time in the province of Cuneo ... at least as evidenced in the news and phrases mentioned.

Instead, always from Piedmont, something beautiful: there promises to be a charming article on sketch-Attilio Micheluzzi in n.20. The great cartoonist remembered in these days in Turin with a beautiful show Little Nemo the gallery, curated by Holy Alligo (and many originals are also for sale).

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Contract For Pastor Employment


When I was a little girl in school textbooks in January was always described as a gray, cold months, basically sad. A corollary of this tale, the authors add photos and drawings even more melancholy gray sky, bare trees, figures infagottaei between coats and scarves, nessuna esplosione di colore, nessun motivo d’allegria. Quanta invidia provavo per le mie amiche che potevano vantarsi di essere nate tra il tripudio dei profumi di tutte le altre stagioni: fiori, frutti, mosti.
A me ed al mio gennaio invece nulla, non toccavano neanche quelli, forse solo l’odore della legna bruciata nei camini. Sconsolata dovevo accettare di essermi presentata al mondo in un mese austero e cupo, in cui l’ambientazione e le atmosfere erano, quando andava bene, un bianco ed inanimato silenzio.
Che beffa! Che ingiustizia!
Proprio a me amante dei colori, del caldo, del sole. Ma che centravo io, mi dicevo, con un mese così taciturno e serioso? Anche il mio segno zodiacale, qualora avessi voluto take into account, I do not describe how I felt to be. The usual story of my life backwards, or thought. But a birthday party after another, looks a bit ', I've learned to love this month.
E 'is a true winter months and all seems cold and desolate, but it's just a perception influenced by cliches and a partial view of reality. Walking through nature I have learned to listen to what happens beyond the sense of sight and feeling cold on the skin. I learned to feel the heartbeat and breathing of its relaxing sleep.
Nature is asleep under the warmth of the earth, covered by the blanket of colorful leaves and regenerates itself, just as to me during the night. Life must awaken or be reborn and to do the will power and energy and to promote anything that gives the January peace and tranquility.
silence and peace of this nature is strengthened and dreams, yes, in my dream and project ideas for the future: there are branches to grow, to redesign leaves, flowers and fruits to color that with all the ingredients require much work to be mixed. The trees will have to accept their nests and much food will grow or spread on land to feed a multitude of animals. The snow and rain will fill the water reservoirs and the land will be ready and fertile for planting. For this January
a month is not staid and lifeless, on the contrary, is a month which works a dream.
And you feel the first changes in the air. The dark, in fact, and the sun begins to retreat back to give us more minutes of light. It will also be screened for this reason that we feel a new beginning. The name January is derived from the Roman god Janus (Ianuarius) gods in charge of ports and bridges, but more generally represents any kind of transition and change (because January is the month that opens the doors of the new year). And so often we live. A cycle has ended and a new era opens before us and this figuratively brings new resolutions, new goals, new dreams. Everything could not be made during the months prior to January finds strength and courage. On January, among other things a month as brave and strong urges us to dare, to try to rephrase.
January is the beginning and like every beginning is full of assumptions and potential. Everything can happen, everything could happen. What we have is a slide of months before facing up, depend on us being able to grasp what they most desire. January has worked for us.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Clarithromycin Side Effects Chemical Taste


... ugly.
Maybe it's just words, but words are important ...
here is some bad news from my own Venice
censorship is a bad thing, but in some ways is really horrible, right and left, from the novel by Bradbury to Hitler and Mao.
burning of witches, books, fennel (from which comes the burning scented fennel nickname).
better books, of course, human flesh. But the reality delete, remove entries, censor, deny ... bad words, bad things.
This link will re-launch, so you can say here or elsewhere yours.
Maybe with images, phrases, with links ... with anything. This blog is open to every comment and every idea. I only ask you sign. ONLY negative or offensive comments will be deleted DO NOT signed.

Thank you, because we must not become men -book

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Old Men Pleasure Themselves


Italian ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli speaks to BBC World, live from the International Space Station , January 13, 2011. The host of the show, Tim Willcox, in the studio with the Director of Human Spaceflight, Simonetta Di Pippo , and one of six new European astronauts, Tim Peake .

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Water On Front Floor Board Of Rav 4

new authors and old friends

Did you see this beautiful numerello begins in January with two authors already appeared once for one, but almost new (year again ...). One is

Claudio Acciari animator and ora fumettista assai originale, ci sta già proponendo una chicca che... slurp!

L'altro è Estebans (sotto il suo pseudonimo si cela un giornalista), anima doppia e piena di misteri... per scoprrne qualcuno leggete le sue storie qui .
Così è pure il modo di rilanciarvi quel bel sito-laboratorio-rivista online di fumetti che è (e fu) coreingrapho   Nato per le menti di Makkox (sì, lui, il Canemucco  ) Antonio Sofi (che sempre leggete in fondo alla rivista), Flavian and Armentara (another nice little head and hands of comics and animation) ...
So these friends near and far a hug, that you can not do better if you do not visit their sites ...

And more ...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tan Before Wax Or Wax Before Tan

It starts!

year has now begun 10 days ... life has resumed after a dormant (of many, no ... I turned my amazement in the mornings where few went to work, so life was ...!).
Before returning to normal completely enclose the absolute pleasure with the wishes of a great French writer of which we published a few stories and, hopefully, we will return to publishing, David B. (If you have not read the great evil, do it immediately).
an incredibly good year and I wish all of you, us and others that somehow we are and do not know.

These days the thoughts are not always happy, and not just because our Mr. B. There is not too well abroad (there has reported afNews ) ... in Russia and France and even consoles us that they are also not very well ... but here the problems are different. So much so that a reader, Anthony Vinci, the box containing the gift of the child (or was in the rich feast that falls from the arms of the bum?), Even thought I've got a Molotov cocktail .... maybe when the boy will grow (or if there was no need?)
Tomorrow or later we will talk about the new number, its content and its authors. For now I just point out that approaches Angoul ê me, the comic fair in Europe's largest (and one of the most hard to reach), while the first major event of March in Bologna to BilBOlbul (with Davi B. and many others).
Another small announcement, while continuing the two-year courses of comics and screenplay online, open enrollment courses to the new spring: you will find our Visintin, along with Onze to speak of illustrations and book covers, a comics basis for most young people or the less experienced, and a coloring in Photoshop for those who want to start or for those who want to go beyond the paper. All the info and updates on blog and site .
soon with stories and drawing animals ...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Amercan Dad Doujinshi

19 animalissssssss

Here is the number 19!
What's in it?
open the staple ...
Gianluigi Toccafondo the cover is on show in Nuages \u200b\u200b(Milan) through January ...

Svolgetelo plan ... as the sock of the Epiphany:

as in all the socks is the carbon ... rubbish ...

Dirty water
Benito Li Vigni

Italy to throw
interview to Sabina Morandi

Racconti e fantasia...
Il trombettiere di Custer
intervista a Angelo Mastrandrea
di Antonio Veneziani

Il paese immobile
di Angelo Mastrandrea

Visioni e figurine...
Animate sequential art
Gianluigi Toccafondo

Comics and toys
A job slap
Claudio Acciari

The garden in front
Etienne Davodeau

New start
Enrique Breccia and Firmin

A familiar gesture
Lorena vests

shoes uncle Ezio
of Bicio Locksmiths

daily trifles - 9
Lewis Trondheim

Elizabeth Benfield

Toby - Against Supermarket
Grégory Panaccione

Robin was a pig
of Estebans
Strip and candy
Coca, Ramón & Fernet
Juan Bobillo
The girl philosophical
Vanna Vinci
Guillaume Bianco
ça pousse
Lorena vests

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sometimes When I Clear My Throat There's Blood

Filmstrip gift (test)

A Bastien Vivès drawing at Comicon ... let me know if you can aveda good movie, thanks:)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oatmeal Contains Lactose


Here we go, we reached with you again this year that promises to be as complicated as the previous one, but we will try to improve. Each in our own way, of course, with equel you can ... but following the teaching of Cetinkaya, the last issue, and the encouragement of ilGiack ... By the way, did you find all without too much difficulty the December issue? Kiss capodannizio Fabio Visintin you gave it to you under the mistletoe (hanging from trapezes swinging ... and with great danger, as every day)?
Well, now it is almost that browse the January issue, the first of 2011 (to cover the beautiful tomorrow of Toccafondo).
Inside you will find a subject that we were promised would be solved several times, eventually at least within the past 31 ... I do not think.
But two players had reached more than pretty pictures on Christmas cards and do not even among the rubbish. The feeling of Christmas is, it looks a bit 'more befanesco, including bags. So put them there. and two neighbors, who take hot this Christmas tale, and an image captured from the real in Naples (Naples is the author, our friend also present on the pages of virtual comicsweb). See you soon with more news, happy holidays and that 2011 starts to solve the problem of "garbage" is far more upstream in the Neapolitan alleys!

prprio start with the trees jetta Gianni Gentile

Then the fairy tale of contemporary gem Vinciarelli.