Monday, February 28, 2011

How Do You Say If Someone Is Having A Baby

bloggers from 10 countries will meet to THE CARNIVAL OF PHYSICS A MONTHLY

Nato con un gemellaggio delle città di Torino e Barcellona nel novembre 2009, il Carnevale della Fisica continua a "infiammare " i blog di mezzo mondo.

Oggi è tempo di Carnevale della Fisica ospitato sul blog Questione della Decisione di Paolo Pascucci.

Ogni 30 del mese (28 se febbraio) i blogger si riuniscono per dedicare del tempo alla fisica in tutte le sue forme, dall'arte alla psicologia passando sempre rigorosamente per la scienza, pubblicando liberamente articoli a theme.

The host public blog links to articles participants.

  • 23 participants this month (but the authors are many more)
  • 50 articles

Here the English blog that he founded in 2009 with the Italian blog Severity Zero Carnival of physics is Gravedad Cero , which commemorates the genius of Enrico Fermi. The blog host the English language is

Portals housing the community of participants and host various contributions are:

The next Carnival of Physics, the 17th, will be held March 30 Blog of Maghimatici ,

Women In Girdle And Stockings


very short post after vernissage.
Sergio Toppi dedication on the new catalog, the gallery Tricromia , full of people for hours (and hours dedicated, tireless and never repeat a drawing). It's nice to see

draw. There is seriousness and concentration for each sign.

zen silence seems to reign around the designer ...

despite the crowd.
And one more dedication and a different design ...

meanwhile, comes to us today ANIMALS 21
Tomorrow we'll tell you more and talk about BilBOlbul, and many events and exhibitions, even with our authors!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tips To Beating The Oregon Trail

words tell us

words. Words spoken, listened to words, dream words, shouted words, words scritte, cantante, disprezzate, amate, odiate, parole trattenute, parole intuite, parole celate, parole, miliardi di parole.

Le parole sono un potere di cui trascuriamo troppo spesso gli effetti. Le usiamo senza cura, quasi mai c’interessiamo della loro etimologia, le gettiamo via privandole della loro importanza, le pronunciamo senza riflettere sulla loro potenza. Siamo dei produttori presuntosi e superficiali, dei fruitori distratti. Credo che troppo spesso, nell’uso parlato che ne facciamo, non siamo in grado di apprezzare la bellezza. Una parola non è mai solo una parola. Una parola ha una storia, un significato antico, un viaggio fatto di terre e di popoli. Una parola ha una sua fisicità, è molto more than just a vibration. A word has its own body, a font size not only the letters that compose it. A word acquires, at times, the face of people to pronounce, it contaminates the soul. It can be wonderful or lowest depending on which the lips utter. So has its own personality? Oh sure have one! He has a personality that may be so structured clay, the illusion that we can shape it as we wish. But our assumption is just silly. Every word is so sure of its meaning that it may be seemingly transparent, or colored, filled or empty, outwardly remodel almost disappear to please our goals without losing the essence of self. The word know if much more than we think we know ourselves. A word reveals to us and hardly ever notice it. Use a term other than the one we just a random choice, the one where he wanted to indulge in synonyms, but more often than we think it is not. Rarely do the words we use, on the contrary, it is they mock us by showing us exactly where or when we wanted to hide or get excited. And then it happens that a sentence, a single term used thoughtlessly, or without knowing the real meaning reveals to us, to listen carefully, making us naked in our innermost thoughts, revealing the sentiment deep that we naively tried to conceal or subtly. Perhaps we forget that words are human by birth and are formed in our minds, we feel it vibrate. We groped our will to deceive, much more complex is able to disguise the unconscious. Maneggiamole carefully then, the delicacy and attention with which we will tell us much more than we would like.

Ladies Without Cloths Showing Boobs


coupling with success in its third year, the Award ITWIIN si rivolge anche quest'anno a donne italiane eccezionalmente creative, in tutti i settori e per tutte le professioni, per il riconoscimento dei successi professionali negli ambiti della ricerca, dell 'innovazione e del trasferimento tecnologico .

I due premi principali, Migliore Inventrice e Migliore Innovatrice, saranno assegnati a donne italiane o residenti nel territorio italiano in possesso di un brevetto o di un prodotto/processo/servizio innovativo, e consisteranno in un montepremi complessivo di 5000 euro, servizi di consulenza e la candidatura automatica al premio europeo indetto da EUWIIN nel 2013 (European Women Inventors & Innovators Network).

Bids must be submitted at itwiin.premio @ sending the forms no later than April 16, 2011 .

The main requirements for a candidate in the Best Inventor are
  • the invention proposed to be covered by patents issued in Italy or in any other state, as well as European Patent Office;
  • can enter the competition is that a co-inventor un'inventrice.
Instead, they can enter the competition for the Best Award Innovatric and:
  • le ricercatrici in possesso di laurea che abbiano un contratto di ricerca attivo con un ente pubblico o privato, - le imprenditrici o socie d'impresa e
  • le libere professioniste in possesso di partita IVA o socie ed iscritte al relativo ordine professionale.
In occasione del Concorso ITWIIN 2011, i Partner della manifestazione hanno messo in palio tre Premi Speciali:

- il Premio Speciale per il Design Industriale di 1500 euro offerto dallo studio di consulenza in proprietà industriale De Simone & Partners, destinato a designer di genere femminile di uno o più modelli con connotati individuali distintivi; per participate send a description of the model or models, accompanied by photographic reproductions and / or drawings itwiin.premio @ not later than April 16, 2011;

- THE PRIZE AWARD - Honoring Italian Women Scientists in America, for the Italian scientist in America as voted by the community of researchers and professionals who gather around the social network association BridgesToItaly California, to participate please visit ;

- the Press DIST-Telpress: DIST (District Information Science and Technology Innovation) and Telpress Italy SpA reward the author of the draft that, among the competitors ITWIIN Award and Special Prizes associated, has demonstrated greater effectiveness in communication.

To join THE PRIZE AWARD visit: .

Prizes are not cumulative.

The ceremony ITWIIN Award 2011 and the Special Awards will take place on June 14, 2011 in Turin , at Centro Congressi Torino Meet (Sala Einaudi), Via Nino Costa 8.

Sources: Scientific Journalism

Ruptured Vein In My Lip


by Zero Gravity

The following video was taken with an iPhone by a passenger.

This is the Shuttle departing from Cape Canaveral

Here instead we see the flight of a shuttle from a different perspective from inside the cabin that houses the astronauts.
Flight in this case is the STS-212

Friday, February 25, 2011

Games Orangeshark Arlogin

Roman exhibition dedicated (and something more)

Yes, I know, is who is in Rome, but not only ...
But tomorrow (Saturday, 26 days and then to follow) is a must in the exhibition Tricromia Sergio Toppi with the teacher present! Designer
Mighty, an innovator of language since the early 70 (and yet again today), the magic mark.

But still today (but maybe you can spend before) Stefano Favarella , being exhibited here Merulana notebooks in Japan ...

But for those who love the genre rather Max Papeschi , the dark heart of pop.

And Milan? Can still be seen in the exhibition of the watercolors Domenico Rosa: The god involuntary
until March 26 to Nuages \u200b\u200bGallery 10 Laurel Street Milan.

Then, early events in Bologna with so many great comics so many of our authors and our Animals!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


This time I can not dance a

I love this time I do not know. Move in a body that milky sail boundaries. Not knowing where to go. Walk and then stop and then walk again and again to stop. Enter
in a game of reflexes, see me, fascinate you.
The air surrounding sounds.
not a place, not a time.
's your eyes on me. The dark warm
of my eyelids closed.
Your lips tremble ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Doctor Should I See For Blood Stool

Chemistry Scientific arrives in Turin with the carnival

This page edition number 2 of the Carnival of Chemistry.

30 participants and 47 items for an edition that wants to accompany this initiative throughout 2011 (International Year of Chemistry ) and beyond.

The next edition of the Carnival will be hosted by the Chemistry blog "The chemical impertinent" excellent Paul Gifh. If you want to participate contact him with the form at the bottom of the page in .

speak Carnival: Galileo, , the Italian chemical company , magazine School and Teaching , Vocescuola , TVSpace

Free Quebec Driver's License Card Template


In the issue of Animals is now in print ( 21, to be released after March 5), among other delights there is an interview with Riccardo Mannelli, drawing on reality.
(the photos were taken at the presentation of its design courses).

On these days the topic of reality becomes closer and wider. The reality is the tap at home (and one should not drink tap water or one of the bottles? Against pollution and other things we should say no, or properly evaluate what we pretend, as I said in the article by Benito Li Vigni number 19, and as they say here ), the reality is the body and the head of the model who portrays Mannelli and the reality is this new situation, this unexpected revolution, which expands to focus on the Mediterranean coast. And if
- says Mannelli - The reality does not exist without our filter presses around the world to enter our. Today
twitter and various virtual community, it binds to journalism, information and revolution.
We're here, and I think we can only watch.
Why the West gives its part, but not us to do, not us, they, nelel their lands, countries, reality, and now it will be important to learn.
I will leave you with a cartoon Makkox (in an interview video) from ilPost here. Makkox probably find it him, with a careful history to contemporary events and hard, the Animals by next March.
Makkox will find, with a careful history to contemporary events, a beautiful and tough, he
on Animals by next March.

If you have documentation and evidence, send it, will always try to post them online.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Sims 2 Mansion And Garden Stuff No Cd Help

The Italians, science and digital technologies

presented today at turin to data from the up "Italians, science and digital technology" contained in the new edition of the Science and Society 2011 (Il Mulino), edited by Observa Science in Society .

Among the issues relevant age data media dei ricercatori italiani: "L'età avanzata delle risorse umane: un freno per la ricerca italiana?" La ricerca italiana non è per docenti giovani. Solo 16 docenti su 100 hanno meno di 40 anni, a differenza di paesi come Cipro e Polonia, che ne contano più della metà. Anche in Germania, Svezia e Paesi Bassi, la quota di docenti sotto i quarant’anni supera il 40%.

Secondo Massimiano Bucchi, professore di Scienza Tecnologia e Società all’Università di Trento e tra i curatori dell’Annuario Scienza e Società 2011, “il tema delle risorse umane, e in particolare della loro avanzata età media si conferma come un tema cruciale per la ricerca e l’innovazione in Italia, con un rischio di ‘scoraggiamento’ delle nuove generazioni. Non è forse un caso che gli italiani siano tra i meno convinti, in Europa, che un giovane interessato alla scienza abbia oggi maggiori opportunità di lavoro (47%, contro il 73% degli svedesi e una media europea del 58%)”.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kidneys Brown Spotting

ITALY has arisen?

you think this strange design for a post of Animals?
The beauty is that!
that the ideas and art transcend the boundaries of styles and age , and Ronfi (comic Adriano Carnevali for the Corriere dei Piccoli and for an audience of children), if they are first taught irony, freedom and ideas upside down so many kids today have more than thirty years (for example Tuono Pettinato , a fan who has followed in the wake), can now fly the flag of rebellion for all.
course is abnormal. Not so much because they are for small people:

"Since 1981 I spend my life mostly holed up in the world of Ronfi, much more simple, reassuring and predictable than the so-called real. Yet even here today something happened that I never expected that and I explained as best in the attached diagram. A Ronfo which urges us not to snore! Incredible, as if, to cite examples of absurd, a man was threatened to sue the state or a justice minister who opposed the courts: in short, things that are absolutely impossible in the real world. I can not deny to be very worried, because if they decide to come out of hibernation Ronfi and launch patriotic proclamations, itself means that events are happening very, very strange ... The Ronfi I have strongly recommended to spread this message, because it provides. A big hug and lots of tailing ronfesche the whole rabbit. " Adriano and rodents

So here we are gathered to discover that there are moments, writes also the illustrator Marcella Claw ( itchy ):

"Beloved, q uello me excited that February 13 is this: In the squares, including that of Viterbo where I have indicated, there were no flags of the party. This decision has made it possible a tutte le donne e a tutti gli uomini di diverso  schieramento politico e/o non appartenenti a nessun gruppo, di venire " a prescindere" e di sentirsi ugualmente uniti su posizioni etiche e principi fondamentali e condivisi,nonostante le diverse provenienze culturali e/o politiche.
A Roma e nelle altre piazze d'Italia se c'era una bandiera era il tricolore.  
Qualcosa nasce allora proprio  nell'anno in cui si festeggiano i suoi 150 anni, proprio nella notte più nera e grottesca della nostra Repubblica, una notte  così fonda which seems to not be able to find the switch to turn on the light. I think it is the responsibility of all and all continue to strive for a new Italy, for ourselves and for future generations, not an Italy that remains closed in the "Country for Old Men", from which still to flee the few remaining young and brightest minds (always those who can afford it) I close here and I wish you a good day, certain that something new this time we can do. "Marcella

And I end with this strip sent by a reader, Hilary Saltarello (thanks):

Meanwhile, today endorsed n.21di ANIMALS (cyan), will arrive on time and on newsstands March 7 (depending, as always, from the city). See you soon.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Permanently Remove Spects With Operation

Honorary Doctorate to Rita Levi-Montalcini

Foto: Claudio Pasqua, Gravità Zero

Il Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi-Montalcini receive from McGill University in Montreal (Canada) Honorary Doctorate of Science.

The ceremony will take place Wednesday ' February 23 in the Hall of the Academic Senate of the governing bodies and classroom-Rector of the University of Rome La Sapienza.

In the greeting of the opening is scheduled Provost Anthony Masi, McGill University. The eulogy will be delivered by the rector of the Roman Luigi Frati.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Many Calories In Stir Fry With

early music

A figure loomed over the hills burnt by the sun
had arrived from a distant time and was waiting

He looked closer
fleshy and fragile flower dew and dawn

Among the dusty sand danced

An early music
the warrior's mother warned
The wind was coming disrespectful
was to establish the heart
Keep strong
The wind had calmed his fury
Running away
eyes new clean
body free to dance
A new sun for her

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where Is My Cervix Right Before My Period?

In Turin, the 'Science and Society Yearbook

Exits the Science and Society Yearbook 2011 with the Italians, science and digital technology and science in the Italian media.

The volume will premiere Wednesday, February 23, 2011, at 18:30, at the Circle of Readers, Graneri of the Rock Palace, Via Bogino 9, Torino.

now in its seventh edition of the Yearbook Science and Society proposes, in a concise and accessible, an annotated collection of information and data from the most reliable national and international sources, useful to understand the state and the transformation of research and innovation in our society: human resources and investment, patents and use of new technologies, public orientation towards science, a chronology of major events that have marked relations between science and society in 2010, the volumes published on the subject during the year.
This year, plenty of space devoted to the most recent trends in the relationship between science, media and public opinion: "The Italians, science and digital technologies. Science, technology and public opinion in Italy in 2010, "with new data Centre 's Science, Technology and Society," Science in the Italian media: trends and emerging issues',' Youth and scientific university ',' The cultures of the food in Italy and Europe. Perceptions, safety and role of research. "

Aldo Fasolo (Management Committee, Compagnia di San Paolo)

Massimiano Bucchi and Giuseppe Pellegrini (Observa Science in Society)

Speakers: Gabriele
Beccaria (Curator of TuttoScienzeTecnologia - La Stampa)
Luca De Biase (Head of Nòva24 - Il Sole 24 Ore)
Giuseppina De Santis (Management Committee, Compagnia di San Paolo)

The book, published by Il Mulino and realized with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo , will be available in all libraries by the end of February or free for members Observa.

Read Observa Press Office: 0444 305454;

For previous editions of the Science and Society, please visit the Yearbook .


Nortel Unlock Locked Mailbox


still speak, not because of the earthquake, but reconstruction, not rebuilding, of deception.
If Alessandro Amato, who wrote the article, explained clearly the relationship between corruption and the number of victims of earthquakes, and told what you should do before, when building in earthquake zones (refer with him to channel youtube / INGVterremoti , National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology).
But returning to L'Aquila, I discovered the other night, talking with MP5 (remember? Cartoonist and street artis of which we spoke in the No.11, who has recently worked with graffiti on their L 'Aquila.
Here is a photo of the work done in the casemates. It is not reconstruction, but to regain possession of useable space, to relive them, to bring attention to a city that should not be abandoned , forgotten, buried.
Parla MP5   (le foto sono di  Claudia Pajewski):   «È   stato nel maggio del 2010, l'anno scorso.
They wanted to organize a LadyFest the eagle and graffiti have been called to the site during the festival. From then on they started to make regular festivals of all kinds, music etc ... there was also another recently called r areas and calling .
The graffiti was done in two giorni con anche l'aiuto di tutti quelli che volevano partecipare, che hanno riempito le campiture, fatto i bordi neri... alla fine è passata tanta gente tra cui anche bambini e ognuno dava una mano a finire il graffito come poteva.
Le Casematte sono gestite dal comitato 3 e 32 che si è istituito dopo il terremoto per cercare di organizzare attività manifestazioni e informazione e che hanno sede li alle case matte. 
Il posto è situato park in a very beautiful and charming and it is periodically removed the light, because not one of the "interests" of the decision maker "official."
But this is a beautiful place, where things are concrete and real for the city and that with the efforts of many, Aquila and not, is becoming more beautiful and hospitable.
To ease the burden on their budget I made to donate the paint Sayerlack from the group of Bologna, who knew it was for this project in L'Aquila has filled with paint, for free .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Caught Speeding French Driving Licence

returned to sender

a demonstration. A cry of rebellion. With an endless list of reasons why women have told their discomfort, their difficulties, their will.
The women who participated in the various events of yesterday are part of our society, a part of the electorate, a productive force. Impact on the economy, sono spesso il perno delle nostre famiglie. Ma soprattutto sono donne capaci di pensare, valutare e decidere. Autonomamente!
Ed invece, ancora una volta, i rappresentanti dell’attuale governo ed i vari lacchè al seguito, non hanno saputo far altro che sminuire e negare questa ovvietà.
Comprendo assai bene che questi giochetti psicologici sono finalizzati alla comunicazione. Al voler ridurre la potenza mediatica di quelle piazze piene. Ma è anche il solito modo becero e denigratorio di non voler conferire attenzione, rispetto e dignità ad una parte significativa del popolo.
Per i rappresentati di questo governo chi non è d’accordo con loro o è strumentalizzato o è numericamente irrelevant. So it's not authoritative, is not worthy of being heard, in one word is stupid.
bad! Very bad!
I'm sick of these devices also mean.
I am a person, a thinking and are able, perfectly able to see, analyze, evaluate and decide what I believe is right and appropriate for my life. My thoughts may not be shared and this is normal, but beyond this grant is not trivial. I do not allow more!
not allow anyone to deny my intelligence, my critical thinking, my will. Are not exploited, they are not bored, I'm pissed off!
And it is precisely in against a political class that willfully, deliberately trying to shut me up in a corner of helplessness, trying to subvert my thoughts, my feelings, my difficulties, or even worse, to my legitimate rights. I can not stand more than a handful of questions to decide about my future, the future of my son and my nation.
The denial and denigration are the weapons of the weak, the personalities who have the courage to assess and respond. Belittle and deny it is a lack of respect, a further lack of respect. Moreover, unbearable, and I find violent propensity to deny the value of the other. And if a government comes in this regard a part of his people, not a government I want to be represented. It will be more clear: it is not worthy to represent me.
also do not accept to be manipulated by an adjective to be characters in their thirst for power, or their absolute devotion to the god of money. I permit those who are afraid of losing its privileges of caste, luxuries ed'impunità to tell me that they are exploited. Who's afraid is not free, regardless of the fear that grips.
And if a man is afraid of losing power and money is a man exploited not only by his fears, those fears by those who can use them to take away that craving so spasmodically. For this
why I think the salon are exploited their own, to defend them from a deep sense of inadequacy accuse me of their vices, their limits.
In behavioral psychology, this mode is called "projection of the self"; projectile on you what am I really trying.
E 'the ABC of the concepts of psychology, and then, knowing the trick, rejection of the terms and returned to you.

Making A Pool Triangle

If not now, when?

Why is this post yesterday I did not posted??

WOMEN SHOW Feb. 13 / marches in 230 cities' to the dignity of women. Meanwhile, there Linko here another manifestation of women ...

But I wish that was the dignity of men and women, together, equality of sexes, ethnicities, of different ideas. Oh well.

not only remember One day, our and others' rights. Every day we work because we are. Each day we tend to face trials, difficulties and incazzature.

is why the next issue will have a theme. We are angry, yes, for many reasons, from the school, the barons, redundancies, health, the barche che arrivano spezzandosi dalle altre rive del Mediterraneo. E poi ci incazziamo sicuramente per tanti motivi privati. Abbiamo disamori, inquietudini, malori... la vita è dura. Ma affrontarla è possibile. È fuori tema, forse, come personaggio, ma vi cito lo stesso questa frase: 
«Il successo è l'abilità di passare da un fallimento all'altro senza perdere il tuo entusiasmo». (Winston Churchill)
Ecco, non perdiamolo. Non perdiamolo per le donne, per la dignità di tutti, per il lavoro e la nostra vita.
Nel mio piccolo non voglio perderlo anche per «ANIMAls», che continua ad essere in difficoltà. I still think that they can overcome the difficulties, especially collaborating.

Good place to all!
and send pictures of the event or link it:)

arrived two links, and afNews Finello (our player)